
General Safety Precautions

Crime Rate

Cyprus has a low crime rate compared to many other European destinations. Violent crime is rare, but petty theft, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, can occur, especially in tourist areas. Remain vigilant, keep your belongings secure, and avoid displaying valuables in public.

Emergency Service

Cyprus has a well-developed emergency response system. In case of an emergency, dial 112 for assistance. This number connects you to police, fire, and medical services.


Medical facilities in Cyprus are generally of a high standard, with well-equipped hospitals and clinics in major cities. EU citizens can access emergency medical treatment with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Travelers from other countries should have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses.

Road Safety


If you plan to rent a car and drive in Cyprus, familiarize yourself with local traffic laws and regulations. Drive on the left side of the road, adhere to speed limits, and avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Seat belts are mandatory for all passengers.

Road Conditions

Cyprus has a modern road network, but some rural roads may be narrow and winding. Exercise caution, especially when driving in mountainous areas or during adverse weather conditions.

Pedestrian Safety

Be cautious when crossing roads, especially in busy urban areas. Use designated crosswalks and pedestrian signals, and always look both ways before crossing.

Natural Hazards

Extreme Temperatures

Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild winters. During the summer months, temperatures can soar, leading to heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke and dehydration. Stay hydrated, seek shade during the hottest parts of the day, and wear sunscreen and protective clothing.


During the summer, Cyprus is susceptible to wildfires due to dry conditions and high temperatures. Obey local regulations regarding open fires and smoking in designated areas. If you spot a wildfire, report it immediately to the authorities.

Political Situation

Political Stability

Cyprus is a politically stable country with a democratic government. However, the island is divided into the Republic of Cyprus in the south and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the north. Travelers should be aware of the political situation and any travel restrictions that may apply when crossing between the two regions.

Cultural Sensitivities

Respect Local Customs

Cyprus is a culturally diverse country with a rich history and heritage. Respect local customs, traditions, and dress codes, especially when visiting religious sites or participating in cultural events.


Cyprus is a safe and welcoming destination for travelers, offering a blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. By taking common-sense precautions, staying informed about local laws and customs, and respecting the environment and community, you can enjoy a memorable and worry-free experience on this enchanting Mediterranean island. Remember to stay vigilant, use caution when exploring unfamiliar areas, and prioritize your safety at all times.