About Leaps of Travel

We are world travelers, hot on the trails of tiny towns to major cities, the next great beach to breathtaking mountains and lakes. We have learned the hard way, that creating itineraries is an insane task and very time consuming. Who has the patience? But we all know the worse thing is to have taken a trip and "missed" that one thing. That's why we've created Leaps of Travel and we hope you agree, trips are so much better now.

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Voyez ce jeu exquis wallon, de graphie en

Our Mission – To inspire and feed the soul through adventure - one leap at a time

At Leaps of Travel, we exist to feed your wanderlust, nourishing your soul with the magic of adventure, one leap at a time. We're here to inspire your journey, awakening the thrill of exploration within you.

Our Vision - To deliver value that carries you through your curiosities of the world

Picture a world where curiosity knows no bounds, and each exploration becomes a lifelong memory. That's our vision at Leaps of Travel. We aim to be your trusted source of profound insights, fueling your passion for the world and guiding you through transformative explorations. Join us on this deeply meaningful voyage through the wonders of our planet.

Our Values

Seek Authenticity

Approach with Open-Mindedness

Explore Diversity

Fuel Imagination

Appreciate the Journey

Take the Leap!

Meet Jessica - Founder

About Me

Welcome!I I left my corporate job and life in Dallas behind in 2023 to move to Portugal and pursue entrepreneurship in the travel industry. Nothing has brought me more purpose and inspiration than traveling to new places and exploring different cultures. This world has so much to see and so much to offer!

I really hope to inspire you and provide value in planning your next trip as well as add that personal touch by showing you the trips I have taken myself. I have personally struggled to do the research and map out all of the things I want to do in a city as there is an abundance of information out there. I am hoping this can be your one-stop shop in planning an exciting trip! >

I am available via contact form and social media to answers any questions on my past travel, personal journey in making a big move, and am always open to feedback. This website is for YOU so please feel free to share your thoughts or struggles in using it.

Jessica's Travel Vision

Have you ever thought, "There's got to be a better way!" Traveling has always been my passion and I'm crazy thorough when I plan a trip. I finally said "yes, there is a better way" to creating a trip itinerary and I think I've found it. You tell me.

Voyez ce jeu exquis wallon, de graphie en

Connect With Jessica

Get to know Jessica, the driving force behind Leaps of Travel. Connect with her, share your own travel aspirations, and let her personal touch guide you on unforgettable adventures.

Get In Touch

We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a message and let's start a conversation about your next incredible journey.