
Petty Crime and Prevention

The most common crime affecting tourists in Seville is petty theft, such as pickpocketing and bag snatching. These incidents typically occur in crowded areas, tourist hotspots, and on public transportation. Popular attractions like the Seville Cathedral, the Alcázar, and Plaza de España can become targets for pickpockets.

To prevent becoming a victim of petty crime, tourists should keep valuables secure and out of sight, use anti-theft bags and wallets, and stay aware of their surroundings. It’s also advisable to avoid carrying large amounts of cash and to use a money belt or hidden pouch for important documents and money.

Violent Crime and Personal Safety

Violent crime against tourists is rare in Seville. The city enjoys a low incidence of violent crime, and visitors are unlikely to encounter serious threats. However, it’s always wise to take precautions to ensure personal safety. Stick to well-lit and busy areas, especially at night, and avoid walking alone in unfamiliar or isolated areas after dark. Trusting your instincts and avoiding confrontations can also help maintain personal safety.

Health and Medical Services

Seville does not pose significant health risks to tourists. The city has excellent healthcare facilities, including public hospitals and private clinics, with pharmacies widely available offering over-the-counter medications. Travelers should ensure they have adequate travel insurance that covers health emergencies. Staying hydrated, especially during the hot summer months, and using sunscreen to protect against the strong Andalusian sun are also important precautions.

Transportation Safety

Seville’s public transportation system, including buses, trams, and the metro, is generally safe and reliable. However, tourists should be cautious of pickpockets, especially during peak hours. Keeping an eye on belongings and avoiding displaying expensive items can help prevent theft.

Taxis and ride-sharing services like Uber are also safe and widely used in Seville. Tourists should use licensed taxis or reputable ride-sharing services and ensure the driver’s information matches the app’s details. When taking a taxi, it’s important to check that the meter is running or agree on a fare beforehand.

Walking and cycling are popular ways to explore Seville. The city is pedestrian-friendly, and there are numerous bike lanes and paths. Tourists should use pedestrian crossings, obey traffic signals, rent bicycles from reputable companies, and use bike locks. Wearing helmets and reflective clothing when cycling can further enhance safety.

Cultural and Social Considerations

Understanding and respecting local customs and traditions can enhance both safety and the overall travel experience. Tourists should dress modestly when visiting religious sites, avoid loud or disruptive behavior, and drink responsibly, being aware of their surroundings. Learning a few basic Spanish phrases can also be helpful and appreciated by locals.

Emergency Contacts

Knowing the local emergency numbers is crucial in case of any unexpected situations. In Seville, the emergency numbers are:

Police: 091
Emergency Services (Ambulance and Fire): 112
Tourist Police: The Tourist Assistance Service (SATE) offers help to tourists and can be reached in major tourist areas.


Seville is a vibrant and welcoming city that offers a relatively safe environment for tourists. By taking basic precautions, staying aware of your surroundings, and respecting local customs, you can enjoy all that Seville has to offer without any safety concerns. From exploring the historic streets of Santa Cruz to savoring delicious tapas and experiencing passionate flamenco performances, Seville promises a memorable journey steeped in history, beauty, and, most importantly, a sense of security.