
Overview of Lisbon’s Safety Landscape

Low Crime Rates

Lisbon is widely regarded as one of the safest capitals in Europe, with relatively low crime rates compared to other major cities. Violent crime is uncommon, and the city prioritizes the safety and well-being of residents and visitors alike.

Tourist-Focused Security Measures

Lisbon places a strong emphasis on tourism, and as such, the city has implemented dedicated security measures to ensure the safety of visitors. Tourism police, information centers, and multilingual assistance contribute to a positive and secure experience.

Public Safety and Law Enforcement

Responsive Police Force

Lisbon’s police force is known for its professionalism and responsiveness. Law enforcement officers are generally approachable and equipped to handle various situations. Tourists can rely on them for assistance and guidance if needed.

Tourist Police Stations

Major tourist destinations in Lisbon, particularly in the city center and popular neighborhoods, often have dedicated tourist police stations. These stations cater specifically to the needs of visitors and provide assistance in multiple languages.

Healthcare Facilities and Emergency Services

High-Quality Healthcare System

Portugal boasts a robust healthcare system, and Lisbon is home to well-equipped hospitals and medical facilities. European Union citizens can access emergency medical treatment through the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

COVID-19 Preparedness

In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Lisbon has implemented comprehensive measures to protect residents and visitors. Travelers should stay informed about health guidelines and adhere to any protocols in place during their stay.

Transportation Safety

Efficient Public Transportation

Lisbon offers a reliable and safe public transportation system, including buses, trams, the metro, and trains. These modes of transport adhere to strict safety standards, providing tourists with a secure way to explore the city.

Well-Maintained Roads

For those who prefer to explore at their own pace, Lisbon’s road infrastructure is well-maintained, and highways connect the city to various attractions. The city’s commitment to road safety ensures a secure environment for drivers.

Natural and Environmental Safety

Beach and Coastal Safety

Lisbon’s coastal areas, including popular beaches like Cascais and Estoril, are generally safe for tourists. Visitors are advised to follow local guidelines, pay attention to lifeguard presence, and be aware of designated swimming areas.

Environmental Hazards

While Lisbon is not prone to natural disasters, tourists should stay informed about any potential hazards, such as extreme weather conditions. Authorities are proactive in managing and preventing environmental risks.

Cultural Sensitivity and Local Customs

Respect for Local Culture

Lisbon embraces a warm and welcoming culture. Tourists are encouraged to respect local customs, engage with locals with courtesy, and immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the city.

LGBTQ+ Safety

Lisbon is known for being LGBTQ+ friendly, and the city celebrates diversity. While attitudes are generally progressive, travelers are advised to be aware of local customs and exercise discretion, particularly in more conservative areas.

Tourism Security Measures

Dedicated Tourism Police

Tourism police stations and officers in popular tourist destinations ensure that visitors have access to assistance and information. This specialized service caters to the unique needs of tourists.

Emergency Services

Lisbon’s emergency services, including medical assistance and fire response, are well-established and readily available. The European emergency number, 112, can be dialed for immediate help.

Safety Tips for Tourists

Be Vigilant in Crowded Areas

While Lisbon is generally safe, tourists should exercise vigilance in crowded areas, especially in popular tourist spots where pickpocketing may occur. Basic precautions, such as securing belongings, can significantly reduce the risk.

Stay Informed about Local Regulations

Staying informed about local regulations and guidelines, including those related to COVID-19, is crucial for a safe and enjoyable visit. Adhering to health protocols and respecting local rules contributes to the well-being of both tourists and locals.

Unique Safety Considerations

Tram Safety

Lisbon’s iconic trams are not only a charming mode of transportation but also a unique feature of the city. Tourists should exercise caution when boarding and disembarking trams to ensure their safety.

Hills and Cobblestone Streets

Lisbon is a city of hills, and its charming cobblestone streets can be uneven. Tourists are advised to wear comfortable shoes and be cautious while navigating the city’s hilly terrain.


Lisbon stands as a shining example of a safe and welcoming destination for tourists. Its low crime rates, efficient public services, high-quality healthcare, and rich cultural heritage make it an ideal city for exploration. Armed with knowledge about safety measures, health considerations, and cultural norms, visitors can confidently embark on a journey through Lisbon’s historic neighborhoods, enjoy panoramic views from its iconic viewpoints, and savor the delights of Portuguese cuisine. As tourists immerse themselves in the enchanting atmosphere of Lisbon, they can do so with the assurance that the city prioritizes their safety and well-being.