
General Safety Considerations

Political Situation

Cairo has experienced periods of political instability and social unrest in recent years. While the situation has improved in many areas, it’s essential for travelers to stay informed about current events and exercise caution, especially during times of heightened tension or protests. Avoiding areas known for demonstrations and staying updated on travel advisories from your country’s embassy or consulate can help mitigate risks.

Street Crime

Like any large city, Cairo has its share of petty crime, including theft, scams, and pickpocketing. Tourists can be targets for opportunistic thieves, particularly in crowded areas, tourist sites, and public transportation. To reduce the risk of theft, travelers should remain vigilant, keep valuables secure, and avoid displaying signs of wealth or affluence in public.

Traffic Safety

Cairo’s streets are notoriously chaotic, with heavy traffic, aggressive driving, and a lack of adherence to traffic laws. Pedestrians should exercise caution when crossing streets, use designated crosswalks when available, and remain alert to the flow of traffic. When using public transportation or taxis, opt for reputable companies, buckle up, and avoid traveling late at night, especially in unfamiliar areas.

Health and Hygiene

Food and Water Safety

While Cairo offers a rich culinary scene with diverse flavors and dishes, travelers should be mindful of food and water safety to avoid gastrointestinal illnesses. Stick to reputable restaurants and eateries, opt for bottled or purified water, and avoid consuming raw or undercooked foods, particularly from street vendors. Washing hands frequently and carrying hand sanitizer can also help prevent illness.

Air Quality

Cairo’s air quality can be poor due to factors such as vehicle emissions, industrial pollution, and dust from construction sites. Travelers with respiratory issues or sensitivities may experience discomfort or exacerbation of symptoms. Wearing a mask, avoiding outdoor activities during times of high pollution, and seeking indoor venues with air conditioning can help mitigate exposure to air pollution.

Cultural and Social Considerations

Respect Local Customs

Cairo is a predominantly Muslim city, and travelers should respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites or conservative neighborhoods, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities regarding public displays of affection, alcohol consumption, and interaction between genders. Taking the time to learn basic Arabic phrases and greetings can also help foster positive interactions with locals.

Personal Safety

While Cairo is generally safe for tourists, travelers should take common-sense precautions to ensure their personal safety. Avoid walking alone late at night, particularly in poorly lit or unfamiliar areas, and trust your instincts if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Consider using a reputable tour guide or joining organized tours for added security and peace of mind.


Cairo is a captivating destination with a rich tapestry of history, culture, and adventure waiting to be explored. While the city presents certain safety considerations for travelers, exercising caution, staying informed, and respecting local customs can help ensure a secure and enjoyable visit. By following these tips and guidelines, travelers can navigate Cairo safely and confidently, embracing all that this dynamic city has to offer while minimizing risks and concerns.